Sunday, September 25, 2005

American idiots

At least 100,000 people turned out in DC to protest the war, a war that's now scaring even those who really hated Saddam, like the Saudis. The counterprotest, which even organizers expected to draw only 20,000, instead drew a mere 400 according to news reports. Methinks I hear a lame duck squawking. Now if John Kerry only had Cindy Sheehan's guts, and was willing to ask the chickenhawks in the White House, not to mention wannabe chickenhawks like Clinton and Lieberman, "How do you ask a man to be the last man to die for a mistake?"

In case you're wondering why we should bring our troops home from Bush's folly now, the Iraq war is over. Iran won.

As for Clinton, she's rapidly overtaking Lieberman as the Democrat most likely to pander to the far right. Heck, it may not even be a race any more.

At times, the New York Times, like all of us at times, makes mistakes, sometimes from the left, sometimes from the right, sometimes from the heart, sometimes from the pocketbook, as with its decision to start charging cash for its op-ed columnists and thus reducing the intellectual currency that the paper receives from their unfettered description. But even with the paper's inexplicable and unforgivable defense of Iraq war pusher Judith Miller, who was allowed to publish front page stories for the paper of record seemingly ghostwritten by Cheney/Bush and because of whom said paper is now indelibly stained with blood, every now and then one is forced to recognize why the Times is still the newspaper of record, and still, unlike Hillary Clinton, has not placed its conscience in Bill Frist's blind trust. Big ups to the Times for two stories, one Saturday and one Sunday, leading to the best videos on the web. Watch them - to the end - and if you're Jeb Bush (or Barbara) weep: (I ain't saying Bush is a gold digger...) (Summer has come and passed/the innocent can never last...)

Then wake me up when Bush's term ends.


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