Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Lies and the lying liars

Scott McLellan has some big ones. The face of an administration that repeatedly and boldly (not to mention baldly) lied to the American people about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, about weapons of mass destruction in Cuba, about Social Security, about energy, about government interference in the life of a dying woman, about whether the sun would rise in the morning has now become the poster boy for journalistic veracity. Yes, Newsweek screwed up big time, but let's not forget who created the atmosphere where the Geneva Convention does not apply, where American citizens can be thrown in jail indefinitely without trial just because I say so, where American soldiers are repeatedly accused of violating prisoners' religious beliefs during interrogations, where respect for international law is deemed as "quaint" as an American citizen's right to privacy by its highest authorities. Let's not forget who created an America whose credibility is so shot internationally and whose morality so suspect that, well, anything seems possible. Both Keith Olbermann and Eric Alterman have good postings on this. All I can say is 1984 is lasting an awful long time, and it's so much worse than Orwell said.

UPDATE: After a discussion with unnamed officials in an undisclosed location, Another Look seeks to retract everything that was said above. Scott McLellan is a patriot and a fine one, and government has every right to instruct Newsweek what to write, First Amendment be damned. The Iraqis welcomed us with flowers in their hearts. Perpetual war is peace, killing everyone who doesn't agree with you is pro-life, Sen. Norm Coleman's caps look even better than his credibility and expecting truth from goverment in a time of war is a liberal plot against America. Oh, and while we're at it, evolution is wrong, the sun does revolve around the earth and gays and feminists caused 9/11. Please, Americans, be more like the responsible media. Do not pay any attention to the fact that Pentagon spokesperson Tory Clarke said Defense "Secretary Rumsfeld Secretary Rumsfeld does not recall it being brought before the board at any time” (yes, I know you liberals are snickering that this is the classic non-denial denial) -- "it" being the sale of two nuclear power plants to North Korea by ABB when Rumsfeld was on its board in 2000, waste material from which could be used to make dirty bombs, were there any terrorists doing business with North Korea. May God continue to bless America.


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