Thursday, June 09, 2005

To turn back time

So Jesse Helms has a new book out. The bigoted old bastard has changed his views on AIDS, he says, since “it had been my feeling that AIDS was a disease largely spread by reckless and voluntary sexual and drug-abusing behavior, and that it would probably be confined to those in high-risk populations. I was wrong.” Guess once he figured out it wasn't just queers and Negroes getting AIDS, he found religion. The part about love thy neighbor he still doesn't get. He's still railing against integration and the "outside agitators" who forced it. Guess Condi Rice won't be invited to give his eulogy. Maybe Joe Biden and his bunch of wimpy so-called Democrats will speak instead. They never seem to find their voice when the GOP bashes their constituencies, but let a real Democrat speak up and they start squealing. They're more comfortable putting judges on the federal bench for a lifetime (site pass required) who say "In the heyday of liberal democracy, all roads lead to slavery." Coming up next (taken from Salon): So you don't have to read it in the New York Times after the debate is over, here's the word on Pryor from a recent piece in Salon: "He once called Roe v. Wade 'the worst abomination of constitutional law in our history'; in 2002 he argued in the Supreme Court, on behalf of Alabama and four other states, for states' execution of mentally retarded inmates; he termed the Voting Rights Act 'an affront to federalism and an expensive burden that has far outlived its usefulness'; and he affirmed in 2003 that extending the civil rights of same-sex couples would logically extend to activities like necrophilia and bestiality."
Looks like Helms won after all.


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