Saturday, September 23, 2006


I was just reading about Bill Clinton's full-blooded response to an attempted Chris Wallace ambush on Fox News. Apparently, Clinton went on and they were supposed to talk about his global initiative. Wallace ambushed him with the tired why didn't you get Bin Laden crap (try asking Bush that, Chris).

Clinton, according to the story I read, fought back full bore, finger pointing and all. Wallace tried interrupting him and Clinton said you asked the question, you get the answer. Afterwards, Clinton said Dems should all be fighting back. When are the Dems going to listen?

This is about the power to keep America free, at a time when Time just revealed (according to On the Media) a plan, possibly aimed for October, for military action against Iran.

I think Hugo Chavez is an elected dictator, an idiot and an asshole, but it's still scary to see how many at the UN defied protocol to applaud his egregious crap, to see how hated we are.

And all because we stand for freedom.




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